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Monthly Archives: September 2024

Fatty liver screening using a FibroScan

Fatty liver screening using a FibroScan The liver is an organ that performs many functions, such as filtering waste, producing bile, storing energy, and synthesizing proteins. A healthy liver is therefore important for our overall health. Liver disease can be caused by many things. Some

Exercising in moderation can really help fight allergies

Exercising in moderation can really help fight allergies At present, the number of people suffering from allergies has increased 3-4 times compared to 10 years ago. According to statistics from the Allergy and Immunology Society of Thailand, 38 percent of Thai children and about 20

Coronary angiography is both diagnostic and therapeutic.

Coronary angiography is both diagnostic and therapeutic. For this first point, I must say that Coronary Artery Angiography (CAG) is a type of procedure that can both examine and treat heart disease. This procedure is done by inserting a small catheter, approximately 2 millimeters in

Hemorrhoids: A (not) embarrassing story

Hemorrhoids: A (not) embarrassing story From the above figures, it can seen that “hemorrhoids” are not a distant disease and are not limite by gender, age or age range. The main cause of incorrect bowel movements, such as straining to defecate, sitting for a long time, constipation,